Approach: puncture of stented femoral artery
Analyze the CT angiography of this 85 year-old claudicant male patient with HTA, PAD, bilateral common iliac and right CFA lesions, and tell us how you would treat!
Part I - Case presentation
Patient history
85-year-old male patient
- Bilateral claudication right limb > left limb (Rutherford 3)
Medical history
- Peripheral arterial disease
Duplex scan
- Common iliac arteries stenosis / Right CFA stenosis
CT angiography

Part II - Treatment
Answer to our poll: Endovascular repair by outpatient hospitalization
- Stenting of the right common femoral artery by cross-over
- Puncture of the stented right common femoral artery
- Iliac kissing stent

Stenting of the right common femoral artery by cross-over

Puncture of the stented right common femoral artery

Iliac kissing stent
1 - Stenting of the right common femoral artery by cross-over
Retrograde femoral puncture for cross-over
Relative counter-indications
- Aorto-bifemoral bypass ++
- Severe aorto-iliac lesions
- X-ray exposure
- Concomitant endovascular repair
- Compression
- Cross-over procedure
- Longer catheter
- Worse pushability
- Patient misunderstanding
- Cost
Duplex scan-guided puncture to increase the safety and the efficacy of ACD

Cross-over with .035 Terumo guidewire, UF 5F catheter & 6F-45 cm Terumo Destination introducer
Intraluminal crossing
Vessel prep with POBA
Primary stenting
Primary stenting
2/ Puncture of the stented right common femoral artery
Stent puncture
6F introducer
Angiography: Iliac bilateral lesions
3 - Iliac kissing stent
Iliac kissing stent
Iliac kissing stent
Final angiography
Take-home messages
- Duplex-guided puncture is mandatory
- CFA stenting does not prevent retrograde femoral puncture
Y. Gouëffic reports:
- Research funding from Abbott, General Electric, Veryan, WL Gore
- Personal fees and grants from Abbott, Bard, Biotronik, Boston Scientic, Cook, General Electric, Medtronic, Penumbra, Terumo, Veryan, WL Gore (medical advisory board, educational course, speaking)
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