
Atypical aortic pseudoaneurysm: How best to treat?

Analyze the video sequences of this 78-year-old woman with a 6.1 cm pseudoaneurysm from a descending thoracic aorta anterior to an infra-abdominal aortic bypass. Decide on the most appropriate treatment, then learn how the patient was actually treated.

Worcester, United States
Part I - Case presentation
  • A 78-year-old woman was referred for a pseudoaneurysm developed on a prior aortic bypass between the descending thoracic aorta and the infra-abdominal aorta, measuring 6.1 cm in maximum diameter. 
  • 1998: at the age of 53, the patient was treated for aortic coarctation with both a descending to infrarenal aortic bypass and a bypass to bilateral renal arteries
    • Complication: thrombosis of the right renal bypass requiring right common iliac artery to right renal artery bypass
    • After several month of hospitalization, she recovered well.
Atypical aortic pseudoaneurysm: Image 1

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Part II - Treatment

Custom-made two-component endograft

  • branches for CT and SMA
  • 1 large fenestration for left renal artery
Atypical aortic pseudoaneurysm: Image 2

Graft plan with two components integrating preloaded catheter

Atypical aortic pseudoaneurysm: Image 3