Evaluation of standard of care practices for treatment of infrainguinal arteries lesions
Explore the BIO-OSCAR SOC trial in this PVI 2024 session presented by Koen Deloose. He begins by highlighting the significant challenges in current endovascular procedures, such as the lack of lesion-specific approaches, limited versatility of available materials, and the resulting longer procedures, higher radiation exposure, and increased costs. Next, he explains how the Oscar multifunctional device, with its lesion-tailored approach, provides an all-in-one solution for crossing, adjusting, and restoring. This innovative tool simplifies procedures while potentially addressing these key limitations. Finally, he provides a detailed description of the BIO-OSCAR Standard of Care study, completed in June 2024, which evaluated current practices, procedural outcomes, and resource utilisation in treating femoral, popliteal, and infrapopliteal artery lesions. Key findings include a primary crossing success rate above 90 %, the persistent need for improved vessel preparation, and how lesion complexity impacts cost and efficiency.
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