Interventional nightmares

Master the art of turning complications into success with this PVI 2024 case compilation! Get expert tips and tricks to navigate even the most nightmarish situations: from rescuing a TEVAR case with laser fenestration to tackling supra-aortic complications, salvaging two high-risk carotid stenting cases, managing the challenges of correcting an aortic dissection, and even mastering the timing of crossover access for SFA/POP interventions


Watch now and sharpen your skills!

Dendermonde, Belgium
Hospital: AZ Sint Blasius
Hospital Pellegrin - Bordeaux, France
Professor of vascular surgery

Professor of vascular surgery
Head of unit of vascular surgery CHU Bordeaux - France

Conflicts of interest:

Honoraria from: COOK Médical, Térumo-Vascutek, Siemens, GORE

Liverpool, United kingdom
Hamburg, GERMANY
Tenri, Japan
Perugia, Italy
Firenze, Italy

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